Restoring Old and Creating New Stained Glass Windows Everyday!


An Art Studio

stained-glass-temple-window IMG_6709 flower

New Windows & Restorations


We create custom stained glass
church windows
and residential windows. 
We also restore/repair ANY stained glass art including 
Windows and Lamps. 


Studio Hours

Studio Hours
Call First 352-341-0003

6:00PM - 8:30PM   Call for any time during the day.
Call First 352-341-0003
9:30am - 12:00pm Call for any  time during the day.

Call First 352-341-0003
Call First 352-341-0003
Possibly - Call First 352-341-0003

Please call 352-341-0003 ahead of time if you're going out of your way to visit The Studio
I'm retired and open by appoitment only.

Our Customer Service

Our Customer Service Department has strict orders!

Do everything you can to ensure our customers satisfaction
give the customer more than they expected!

If we please you,
tell others. 
If not, please tell us.

Stained Glass Classes


Whether you're new to stained glass or have years of experience, you can expect a very relaxed atmosphere where we share, learn new techniques and have a little fun!
Stained Glass Classes

Facebook Connect Login Box

Facebook Fan Box

Bottle Trees


We Ship Our Authentic Southern Glass Bottle Trees
All Over The USA!
Learn About Bottle Trees


This gift is FREE with your purchase of most of our Authentic Southern Glass Bottle Trees!

This Blue Bottle Hanging includes a suction cup to hang from your window!

blue hanging bottle

We supply the hanging blue bottle!  You display your favorite flower or twigs!
Without a twig holder, where do you keep your twigs?

Follow Us on Twitter

Follow us on Twitter

Restoration Services

Repair Stained Glass Restoration Services

Professional restoration of all types of stained glass including Church Windows, Antique Windows, Lamps and more modern pieces.

35 Years of Experience!

Fusing Classes

Fusing Classes Will Start Again in 2023, on Saturdays!
Call to get your name on our fusing list!
Welcome to Cubby's........


WE'VE MOVED TO OUR NEW LOCATION Nestled in the woods at 1217 Parkside Ave in Inverness!

We’re proud of many things we do here.   We will create or restore any stained glass piece.   From Church windows, custom builds, restorations and repairs, we do it all, professionally. RESTORATIONS AND REPAIRS are our speciality.  We can bring your stained glass back to original, all the while we pay tribute to the orginal artist by bringing their piece back as it should be and they intended.

We also create  Authentic Southern Glass Bottle Trees and ship them nationwide!

We ship our Authentic Southern Glass Bottle Trees all over the country! If you live in Florida or plan on visiting, come by and check out our Bottle Tree Farm. Our Authentic Southern Bottle Trees are made using HEAVY steel that we weld solid (not spot weld), sandblast and paint.

Glass Bottle Trees are said to lure evil spirts.  Attracted to the colored bottles, once inside, like a fly, they can't get out. The next day, as the sun rises, they get burned up! Bottle Trees are also known as "Poor Mans Stained Glass". We build our Authentic Southern Glass Bottle Trees in the south, by hand, one tree at a time. Read the full article of Bottle Trees "Origin of Bottle Trees".    Read; "Why to choose one of our Bottle Trees" by Clicking Here! If you would like us to create a special bottle tree for you, your home or your business, please call us for a quote.

All orders are shipped PRIORITY (unless shipping to your address is exsorbiant, then it will ship Parcel Select) and include a small blue glass bottle that hangs on your window to display your favorite twig or flower! It was created by us here at Cubby's!   Without a twig holder, where do you keep your twigs? You can order your bottle tree Here.
WE ALSO SELL OUR BOTTLE TREES ON eBay and Etsy!  We are the Number ONE seller on Etsy.
You can order here or if you wish you can order on one of these other sites.

Click Here to go to Cubby's on Etsy

For eBay

We have been teaching Classes in Stained Glass on and off since the “80’s”. We only take eight students at a time and spend “hands-on” time with each student. Students are encouraged to build anything from small stained glass “suncatchers” to large stained glass windows. The classes are full most of the time, call ahead.  Fusing classes are sometimes offered.

PLEASE NOTE: We don't upload new pics on this site. Instead, we update pictures on our Facebook Page, Cubby's Art Studio and Bottle Trees)



Have you seen our Bottle Tree Farm?

Our "Bottle Tree Farm" is Nestled in the woods at
1217 Parkside Ave in Inverness,

If you get this way, please stop in and visit!

Our Bottle Trees are purchased by
local residents and by visitors
who come to Citrus County
from all over the country!
We ship our Authentic, Southern Bottle Trees all over the USA.

We build custom Glass Bottle Trees too! 
If you have a special design in mind for your
Bottle Tree, please contact us!
We'll work with you on the design!
best small bike on gate i made smaller. 278 x 398
bottle-tree-sign2 HTML clipboard Examples of our Unique Art Cardinal Art Wall Hanging
3 Hammers Stained Glass Art Piece